Tethra Energy Logo Design

We are currently working with Tethra Energy to create a new logo design.

Tethra are an experienced team of energy experts providing a comprehensive and integrated risk management and consultancy service. The new logo design needed to establish Tethra as an experienced and professional company as well as conveying a sense of approachability. We have also been working with Tethra to create a new logo design and website for their sister company Ceres Energy.

Promotional Video PEROCC

We’ve recently completed a promotional video for Pearson Engineering which uses film, 3D animation and motion graphics to demonstrate the immense capabilities of the PEROCC vehicle.

The promotional video has been extremely well received and has become an integral part of PEROCC’s marketing strategy as it is shown at expos and trade shows across the UK and worldwide. The film will soon be re-edited to work across multiple screens for maximum impact on it’s audiences. View the film here.

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