RealWire Campaign Animation

Bringing awareness to the online world.

RealWire wanted to raise awareness of the issue of irrelevant press release emails within the online world. The campaign ‘An Inconvenient PR Truth’ needed a strong brand, a website and an engaging centre piece which came in the form of a short animated film highlighting the problems with PR spam.

Thumb produced a short animated film based on RealWires’ concept of comparing pollution in the real world with irrelevance in the online world which was watched over 2,000 times on its first day. Thumb created a brand which was used across all campaign materials including a website, digital badges and marketing posters.



We needed to set the right tone with this online campaign and we know Thumb will always get it spot on.

The campaign, lead by RealWire and involving some major figures in the UK public relations community, lead to the key industry bodies – CIPR, PRCA, IR Society and the NUJ – producing a combined Media Spamming Charter as a best practice guide for the industry.”

Adam Parker. RealWire.